Times they are A-changing
Tomorrow is December 1st. What a fucking roller coaster this year has been. So many things have happened since I last wrote - mostly fantastic things, which is a huge change from what my life is normally like - somedays it's hard to take it all in. Recap: I met the best guy at the end of April - while hanging out with his best friend, who turned out to be a not so great guy. By the end of May we were talking to each other constantly. By the end of June we were dating. I hadn't been looking for a new relationship, but it found me and I am so glad. Other changes include moving from Texas up north to the PNW (home!) this past summer; the kids are now in public school and they love it & they are thriving beautifully. I'm on sabbatical from my pursuit of my degree - I'm still not quite into the right headspace to tackle something so demanding at this moment while still feeling like I'm having to sort everything through still. And I've started a new job - it...